Q . When applying  for family membership how many water permits are required?

CCCC . When applying for a family membership each paddler /member in that membership application would require a Water Permit that is issued by CCPOA(Century City Property Owners Association)

Q. If I am a single member with 4 boats how many water permits and boat stickers would I require?

CCCC. You would pay for 1 x Water Permit and be issued with 4 x Boat stickers.

Q. Are there any time restrictions as to accessing the Boats and Canals?

CCCC.  There is no restrictions as to access for members . Security is 24hrs  as is access.

Q. Are there Club boats available for paddlers starting out  as beginners?

CCCC.  Yes there are a limited amount of K1, K2 and K3 boats paddles and life jackets . as well as 2 plastic double recreational boats available .

The idea is to use these Club  boats as an introduction to kayaking in its different forms and for you to establish whether the sport is for you and then move on to owning your own boat.

Q. Do you have a coach available to assist with beginners and  assisting with  familiarising themselves with kayaking?

CCCC. Yes! Training for beginners is available throughout the season. Our coach can also guide new comers through all the stages of competency and skills development to prepare them for river races. Regular training sessions for building fitness are available to everyone, no matter the level of experience and competence.
We have safe waterways, in that you are able to stand in shallow water in sections of the canals. The water quality is also carefully maintained.

Q. What are the steps one must take to being able to paddle on a river or partake in river races?

CCCC.  In order to be able to partake in river tripping without supervision there are proficiency tests one has to pass.

Once you are competent and confident in your K1 you will have to do a “Flatwater Proficiency Test”. This will test you on the basics of kayaking i.e. how to empty your boat, are you able to swim, entering your boat in the proper way etc. This will entitle you to partake  in flatwater races.

Your improving on flatwater would be up to you to the point where you are able to complete 10km in under 70minutes.

You are then able to paddle on rivers (not racing) UNDER SUPERVISION. Your mentor/coach will determine whether you are ready to undergo a “River Proficiency” Test.

Once you have your river proficiency behind you , you are able to partake in Grade B river races . Your paddling career is on its way with lots of river adventures awaiting you.

Q. When applying to become a member of the Club , does one have to become a member of WCCU(Western Cape canoe Union)?

CCCC. When applying to become a Club member you do not have to register with WCCU unless you want to participate in events organised by the Union.i.e. Flatwater and river races.