
The Club provides a range of coaching groups managed by 3 different coaches

  1. The introductory coaching group is managed by Bryan Allott on a Saturday morning and is largely attended by juniors and some adults and deals with the very basics of starting out on your paddling adventure. The session can last up to 1 to 2 hours and the focus is getting you confident and confident and comfortable in a kayak. The club has a range of stable boats to get you started. His whatsapp group will keep you informed of dates and times.
  2. Richard Allen coaches the novice group which entails growing your confidence and paddling technique band skills to a point where you can take part in some club activities on the waterways at Century City if you wish. Richard operates this group on a Friday afternoon and will keep you updated on his whatsapp group.
  3. Richard Allen also manages the intermediate group . This involves training sessions to improve your strength and fitness as well as your paddling skills. The usually takes place on a Monday evening at 17:30 and he will keep you updated on his paddling group.
  4. Scheepers Schoeman or a nominated coaches for the Thursday evening Elite paddling group which is designed to improve your racing skills with some high intensity drill. The programme is usually announced on the General CCCC paddling group and intermediate paddlers are encouraged to joined if you feel like upping your game.

Your membership will open you up to all these oportunities.

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