Time Trial Results – 24/5/2022

Great turnout for the threatening weather forecast. A fine misty drizzle persisted with very calm conditions and a great improvement in the weed condition. Great to see newcomers Younis and Sean join us on the water and Vinnie was back and put in a strong performance.

Our Rooti special went down very well . It was tasty and good value and we look forward to the next Rooti evening special.

  1. Eugene vd Westhuizen 50:59
  2. John De Villiers 51:01
  3. Crispin Thompson 51:11
  4. Bryan Allott 54:25
  5. Dave Marsh 56:32
  6. Andre Hawarden 59:54
  7. 7. Ralph Teulings/Lauren Allott/Tielman Nieuwoudt 60:39
  8. Robin Tindall/Sean/Vinnie 62:00
  9. Mike Monson/Younis/Graeme Neate 62:19