Mission accomplished . All 3 K3’s on the water with a couple of dead legs at the finish battling to exit their boats at the high jetty . Lots of fun on the water and a nice vibe in the club afterwards. 19 paddlers on the water with plenty of weed flying about. Great evening
- Bartho Visser 52:35
- John De Villiers 52:37
- 3. Eugene vd Westhuizen 52:45
- Bianca Beavitt 54:13
- Bryan Allott 55:41
- Ralph Teulings/Mike Monson/Graeme Neate 55:51
- Crispin Thompson/Denver Knoetzen/Vinnie 57:05
- Paul Nel/Helena Geromont/Colin McClement 57:15
- Brian Whiteford 57:18
- 10. Andre hawarden 66:06
- Gareth Pinkney 66:08
- Mike Rapson 66:21
- Francois Sisam 66:31