Long term we can rest assured that our river/lagoon is going to be looked after. The depth of thought that is going into the overall project is very gratifying. Koos, who is in charge, wanted our guidance regarding requirements and priorities. The other stake holders in the Action Group are the representatives of the Heron Waters complex. (The suburb around the nursery opposite Potsdam sewage works.) There obvious concern was to prevent flooding again, as a canoeist mine was to clear the Hyacinth from below the Otto du Plessis Bridge.
It was decided that the entire Diep river system from the N7 Bridge is a storm water system and as such the storm water department of CCT will be involved. A meeting the head of storm water and Koos van Rensberg is being scheduled. They work in tandem on other projects so this should not be a problem.
1. The first priority will be to clear reeds and hyacinth from Blouberg Bridge downstream. The suggestion that this be done mechanically so that the reeds are removed from below root level. This will prevent instant regrowth and dredge some of the silt from the river.
2. At the same time (hopefully right now!) a boom will be placed immediately below the hyacinth at the top of the Lagoon and work will begin from there upstream to the bridge and beyond. Eventually the two operations will meet, and become ongoing maintenance.
3. Water quality issues were discussed and I was interested to see that they had identified every potential pollution spot and were actively working on resolving each one. The outfall at “Smelly Bend” is being addressed. They have already spent in the region of R2 Mill covering over an open storm water system in Joe Slovo and diverting it to Potsdam sewage works. They are now addressing the other open drain in Phoenix Village. The other major source of pollution is Du Noon, which is also being addressed.
4. The coral problem was also discussed. They realise that it is a major ecological and flood threat and are working on a solution. They are working on a costing per cubic meter for the removal of the coral, buy using a suction system that will breach down the coral and pump it out. The pilings of the Wooden Bridge are to be inspected prior to restoration of the bridge. During this process more research will be done regarding the removal of the coral.
5. I have agreed to take Koos van Rensberg on a walk into the South Vlei area to look at the infestation of weed and reed. He will also come on a paddle up from MCC to look at the extent of the weed infestation on the lower section of the river.
It was a very positive meeting for all 3 parties. It was really good to be able to tell them that club members were already taking weed out by hand. Koos was impressed and I think embarrassed, so all the work is paying off, not just physically creating space on the water, but forcing CCT to take it seriously.
Andre Hawarden
Great to hear that there are so many plans afoot to improve the lagoon. Let’s hope they all come to fruition. It’s even better to be kept informed about whats going on by Andre – thanks!